5 Questions To Ask Yourself During Tough Times

1. Can I Live Without Him/Her?
If all else fails and you still find your relationship going down in flames, the last and most important question is to ask yourself if you can live without them. It’s one of the toughest things in the world to move on. The memories you create can never be deleted, they can never be forgotten, is it worth the amount of pain and trauma? Can you not give it one last shot even if it’s to not let the memories die? Think about all the good times, think about when you cried in front of them and they held you and told you it’s okay.
2. Do You Love Yourself Enough?
I write this all the time on my page and this website, we need to love ourselves before we can love others. You need to ask yourself, do you love yourself enough? Do you appreciate yourself enough? Are you satisfied with the person you are or are you constantly trying to be someone you’re not? You can only completely love someone once you completely love and accept yourself on your own. It is not possible to give someone your care and attention without caring for yourself first. You can not let yourself go. You are a human being, you are an individual, you are precious to so many people who you don’t even think about, love yourself.
3. The Biggest Fear About Your Relationship?
Like I said earlier, we are often our biggest enemies. Sometimes, we let our fears take control and not let us open up. It’s perfectly natural to be scared and to fear something, but it’s not natural if you don’t do anything about it to make the fear go away. Ask yourself, what are you scared of the most in your relationship? Is it the fear of losing someone you trust blindly? Is it the fear of being cheated on? Is it the fear of being left alone? Is it the fear of what society will say? Is it the fear of failure? We all have our fears, we all need to sort them out.
4. Why Do You Feel Alone?
Sometimes, we are the biggest enemies of ourselves. If you’re in a good and happy relationship and you still feel a bit sad and empty, you need to ask yourself the cause. You need to ask yourself why you feel alone and empty. Is it the other person’s absence when you need them or is it your past still lingering on and not letting you completely live your life like you should? Do not be quick to blame your partner, think about it yourself first. In my case, I used to feel sad even when she kept trying her best to make me smile and laugh.
5. What Do You Love The Most About Them?
During times of trouble, you need to stop thinking about the bad and start focusing on the good. Your relationship will go through a lot of ups and downs, probably more downs than ups because you aren’t in a relationship with yourself, you’re in a relationship with someone with their own individuality, their own strengths and weaknesses. Ask yourself, what’s that one thing that you love the most about them? What is the one thing that you think of about them that makes you smile from ear to ear? Think about it, think hard. Smile. And go back to knowing why you love them so much.
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