Failed policies, declining confidence slow insurance industry’s growth

Failed policies, declining confidence slow insurance industry’s growth

Unsuccessful policies introduced by the insurance industry’s regulator to boost penetration, and negative impact of some distressed companies, among other challenges, are dragging back the sector’s growth, NIKE POPOOLA reports

The Nigerian insurance industry is a very peculiar sector where understanding and tolerance are minimal between the different segments that make up the industry, but in which the regulated entities are always quick to drag the regulator to court over every slight provocation.

In fact, in 2018, the National Insurance Commission, which regulates the insurance sector faced two legal actions from two major segments in the industry over the policies it introduced to correct abnormalities in the sector and boost insurance penetration.

The major segments that make up the Nigerian insurance industry are the Nigerian Insurers Association, the Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers, the Institute of Loss Adjusters of Nigeria, the Association of Registered Insurance Agents, and the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria which comprises the qualified professionals of all the other segments.

While the commission had introduced different policies in the past which had not made any significant impact on insurance penetration, two major policies introduced in 2018 were stopped by the regulated segments with court threats.

According to the Chairman, Nigerian Insurers Association, Mr Tope Smart, the Nigerian insurance industry is a major component and an important member of the Nigerian financial services sector.

He said, “In Nigeria, it is rather sad to note that not all have embraced this concept.  This is why the penetration rate still remains about 0.5 per cent as against some other African countries such as Kenya and South Africa with penetration levels of 2.9 per cent and 14 per cent respectively. Also, only one per cent of our population holds any form of insurance policy.”

According to him, there is a lack of interest in insurance, which he attributes to lack of knowledge about the benefits of insurance.

However, this report reviews the two major failed policies of NAICOM in 2018 as well as other past initiatives and challenges bedevilling the sector.


Towards the end of July, NAICOM introduced the Tier-Based Minimum Solvency Capital policy, which specified minimum capital of N2bn, N3bn and N6bn respectively for Tier 3, Tier 2 and Tier 1 life insurance companies, while non-life insurance firms’ minimum capital was fixed at N3bn, N4.5bn and N9bn for Tier 3, Tier 2 and Tier 1, respectively.

Before the TBMSC was introduced, life companies could do any business with just N2bn capital, while the non-life companies required only N3bn capital to get licensed to underwrite any business.

The commission, however, explained that insurance companies operating with the old capital requirements would not be forced to recapitalise but would be restricted to underwrite only certain businesses.

While some companies and industry watchers saw this development as an innovation that would bring up the emergence of strong and well-capitalised companies, the majority of the companies were provoked by the short deadline of January 1, 2019, the commission gave.

The insurance companies, hoping for a better understanding, approached the commission with a plea to extend the recapitalisation deadline.

But they soon got a rude shock because NAICOM, in an insensitive manner, further backdated the recapitalisation date, and requested that the 2017 solvency accounts of the companies should be presented for the recapitalisation.

As if that was not enough, the commission proceeded to increase the operating capital of the insurance brokers.

The insurance companies were provoked by the action of the regulator.

As they were not bold enough to confront the regulator, they used shareholders to sue the commission for a total cancellation of the recapitalisation order.

Some players in the industry sued the commission to a Federal High Court in Lagos for insisting on implementing the recapitalisation.

Justice Muslim Hassan gave an order in a class action brought by the shareholders restraining NAICOM from enforcing the TBMSC policy.

After the first court hearing, the commission cancelled the exercise in a circular it sent to all insurance companies on ‘Withdrawal of circular on Tier Based Solvency Capital policy for insurance companies in Nigeria’, which was signed by a Director, NAICOM, Mr Agboola Pius.

The National Coordinator of the Independent Shareholders Association of Nigeria, Sunny Nwosu, said the commission should have allowed between one year and 18 months period for the financial institutions to recapitalise.

He said, “But having had a meeting with insurers on the January 1, 2019 deadline, suddenly, it drew the deadline back which had an unfortunate effect.

“Today, investors’ monies are in jeopardy because of that singular pronouncement. A lot of companies have started moving around to tell those insured their challenges.”

He worried that while the insurance companies were expecting better understanding from the regulator, NAICOM went further to introduce new capital requirements for the insurance brokers.

Nwosu said, “Even the brokers who did not carry any risk were being asked to recapitalise. We are still struggling to get out of the problems that the recapitalisation in the bank created. So we cannot afford to play with our investment.

“And all the insurance companies find it difficult to come together because of the impunity measures of the regulator.”


In October 2017, NAICOM notified the industry of its intention to introduce the State Insurance Producers policy.

This year in November, the commission introduced the operational guideline to commence the operations of the SIP in the country, which was meant to commence on January 1, 2019.

NAICOM described SIP as, “A government agency licensed by the commission to provide intermediary services as defined by these guidelines and remunerated in accordance with the provisions contained in these guidelines.”

It explained that the SIP would be licensed to facilitate the enforcement of compulsory classes of insurance within the state jurisdiction by ensuring compliance; exercising on defaulters the power to penalise them according to the states’ laws; maintaining proper records of individuals and organisations bound by the requirements of the compulsory classes of insurance and monitoring the compliance.

But again, the brokers saw the SIP as a threat to their broking business because other non-insurance bodies would be licensed to do their kind of business.

Annoyed, the NCRIB engaged the service of a legal firm to fight NAICOM, and served the commission a 30-day pre-action notice to withdraw the SIP programme.

In December, barely 24 hours after a town hall meeting of top management of NAICOM and members of the NCRIB, the commission ordered the immediate withdrawal and cancellation of operational guidelines on SIP.

Speaking with our correspondent, the President, NCRIB, Mr Shola Tinubu, said the brokers had a meeting with the Commissioner for Insurance over the SIP before it was cancelled.

He said, “What we expected was that it was going to be replaced with something else because really at the end of it all we are back to square one. Yes, it is true that the harm has been taken away by the withdrawal but we are left with low insurance penetration, no enforcement of compulsory insurance and we can’t be happy about that.”

Tinubu added,  “After the meeting we had, the commissioner had set up a committee that would then look into that but, the very next day after they had an emergency board meeting, NAICOM took the decision to cancel it.

“What we expected was to have set up the committee since we had all agreed with two things that we need to increase insurance penetration and find ways of enforcing compulsory insurance.

“If we say the SIP is not the best, we need to decide among ourselves what we can do and let everybody put energy behind it. That was the direction we needed to have, but instead what we heard was that it had been cancelled.”

Tinubu said that for the benefit of the industry, it would still like the committee to be established and given enough support to achieve the enforcement of the compulsory insurance policies in the country’s statutory laws, and grow the insurance industry.


The Commissioner for Insurance, Alhaji Mohammed Kari, said the insurance operators were not receptive to change, a reason they would always kick against the commission’s policies.

He explained that NAICOM was driven by the need to expand the market frontier for the insurance sector’s growth.

Through its policies, he said, the commission sought for increased contribution to the Gross Domestic Product, efficient use of financial resources, and stability of the financial system.

He noted that 2018 was not the first time the operators would take the regulator to court over its policies.

Kari said in 2005, “The Federal Government did a recapitalisation and the capital base requirements were raised from N150m to N2bn for life insurers; N200m to N3bn for general insurers; and N350m to N10bn for re-insurers.

“By the deadline in 2007, 71 out of 103 insurance companies met the requirements. After mergers, only 49 remained. Some disgruntled insurers sued.”

Past initiatives

The commission introduced the Market Development and Restructuring Initiative in 2009 among other initiatives to change the industry narratives.

The commission said it was expected that at the end of the implementation of the MDRI first phase, which was to end in 2012, the gross premium income would have grown from N164.50b to N1tn; insurance contribution to GDP would have grown from 0.72 per cent to 3.0 per cent; premium per capita, from N825.00 to N7, 500; and insurance gap would have been reduced from 94 per cent to seven per cent.

Part of the objectives of the MDRI was to ensure the enforcement of the five compulsory laws in the country.

The compulsory insurance policies were builders’ liability insurance under section 64 of the Insurance Act 2003, occupiers liability insurance under section 65 of the Insurance Act 2003, statutory group life insurance under Section 3(2) (a)(b) and 9(3) of Pension Reform Act 2004 and the Third Party Motor Insurance under section 68 of Insurance Act 2003.

It also sought to create about 250,000 new jobs in the insurance industry, build consumer trust and confidence in the sector and lower insurance gap from the current 94.0 per cent to about 70 per cent.

Other objectives were to increase the relevance of insurance as a tool for stimulating the growth of other sectors of the economy and raising funds for the project of national development.

The MDRI has not achieved any of its set objectives, records had revealed.

According to Kari, a total premium value of N376bn was recorded by the industry in 2017, which was far from the MDRI’s target.

He also said that the latest statistics revealed that the total number of Nigerians with access to insurance rose from 1.1 to 1.9 per cent, and that the insurance sector’s contribution to Nigeria’s GDP was currently 0.4 per cent.

With the conclusion of the first phase of the MDRI, he said the commission had now moved to the second phase, which was the implementation stage of the project.

“This involves bringing on board State Governments, law enforcement and regulatory agencies and other stakeholders for effective implementation for maximum impact,” he said.


In an era when industries are driving financial inclusion with technology, the insurance industry should not be left out of technology usage.

Kari said that insurance companies had challenges with adopting the mobile telephone system to sell their products because of regulatory issues encountered from other regulators.

The commission, which had earlier encouraged the underwriting firms to deploy technology, met brick walls in this regard.

Kari, who noted that in recent years it granted approval to three insurance companies to adopt the mobile technology, explained that the regulations of the Nigerian Communications Commission and the Central Bank of Nigeria hindered their operations.

The three insurance companies partnered with some mobile telecommunications network companies to enable phone users to subscribe to life insurance easily.

To get life insurance, the subscribers would dial specific codes on their phones to register, after which they would be required to spend a certain amount of credit monthly, or a little amount would be deducted daily from their credit.

Within 20 months, 1.13 million Nigerians had been registered by three insurance companies through this method.

But the insurance companies soon lost these customers and NAICOM ordered them to stop the partnership pending the approval by all necessary regulators and issuance of guidelines to regulate their operations.

He said, “We approached the NCC on how to use technology but the NCC had already introduced its laws which stopped them from providing services through the mobile telecommunications companies. We have, however, been engaging in talks with them on how we can work together to provide insurance services through mobile technology.”


The bancassurance strategy is a method by which the insurance companies maximise the banking hall and other networks of the lending institutions to reach out to the bank customers.

While the insurance companies noted that the banks were better developed with more customers, they felt they could leverage on the rich network to market their products.

Many of the underwriting firms partnered with the banks by stationing insurance agents in the banking hall to market their products to the bank customers.

But Kari said that the insurance sector also encountered challenges with the bancasurance strategy, most especially when the banks were ordered to divest from non-banking activities.

This led to the stoppage of the bancassurance operations.

He said the commission had to engage in talks with the Central Bank of Nigeria, which later introduced the guidelines to monitor the operations of insurance companies to be allowed to use the strategy.

The commission said that NAICOM was keen on working closely with other regulators and wanted more avenues to engage in productive discussions on the way forward.

Distressed companies

Over the years, some insurance companies have been distressed and gone moribund.

This was due to the mismanagement of some of the firms by their executives, which led NAICOM to take them over.

For instance, in November 2010, it suspended the operational licence of Spring Life Assurance Plc after it observed an eroded capital below the statutory minimum required to operate.

In February 2011, NAICOM suspended the management of Investment and Allied Assurance Plc and replaced it with interim management, for insolvency, financial misappropriation, abuse of corporate governance provisions and claims default.

In August 2012, it also suspended the operations of two companies – Alliance & General Insurance Company Limited and Alliance & General Life Assurance Plc – for non-rendition of accounts, misrepresentation and non-disclosure of liabilities, non-remittance of premiums and commissions, and corporate governance abuses.

In the same year, the commission dissolved the board of Goldlink Insurance Plc and constituted a seven-man interim board of directors to oversee the affairs of the firm after it observed irregularities in its 2011 financial account.

NAICOM sent the former board of International Energy Insurance Plc on indefinite leave and appointed a three-member interim board to oversee the affairs of the company for financial reporting failures, allegations made against some of the directors, and board squabbles.

These companies have since remained under the regulatory intervention of the commission.

But some policyholders have decried their inability to get back their investments from the companies.

“For instance, a policyholder with Spring Life, Mr Michael Achebe, said, “I had an insurance policy worth a million naira, but I cannot collect my claims back. I don’t know who to go to now that they are saying the company is no more.

“Some years back, they marketed their life policy to me and I bought into it. This is discouraging as I will not take up an insurance policy again.”

The Chairman, Constance Shareholders Association, Shehu Mikail, observed that since many of the insurance companies were taken over by the commission, they had not been able to record any positive achievement.

According to him, the commission had a bigger role to play in turning their situations around for the better.

A worrisome thing to him was that while the companies had been taken over for many years, the shareholders were not getting returns on their investments in the companies and were not being given any information as regards their current state.

“How will shareholders have confidence in the industry and how will the policyholders be able to have much interest, and how will the brokers patronise them?” he asked.

He urged the commission to take decisions on the affected companies and let the shareholders know what was happening to them.

According to the Chairman, Progressive Shareholders Association, Boniface Okozie, insurance stocks are not doing well on the stock exchange and investors are losing interest in the sector.

He urged NAICOM to be consistent in the development of industry’s policies and also help the companies to rise up because they need support to thrive,” he said

“NAICOM should be concerned about how to get insurance stocks to bounce back and have value,” he said.


While some insurance companies have not been taken over by the commission, a few of them have liquidity problems.

Some of the companies are under serious watch by the commission, it was discovered.

In fact, some customers are already complaining that some insurance companies are not paying claims.

According to the Director, Supervision, NAICOM, Barineka Thompson, NAICOM is concerned about the inability of some insurers to honour contractual commitments they have made to the insured and other stakeholders.

He said improper capital structure could lead to the extinction of the insurance industry.

Some companies took too much risk with their capital, with additional risks of increasing incidence of the emergence of holding companies, he observed.

According to him, this makes insolvencies to become more common, erodes public confidence in insurance, thereby leading to a decline in the industry.

He said the commission was encouraging insurers to focus on the area of their strengths, encourage innovation and deepen market penetration, build investors’ and public confidence in the industry.

Way forward

While there is a huge prospect for the Nigerian insurance industry, the customers of the underwriting firms have emphasised the need for consistency in regulations and customer protection.

The Executive Director, Centre for Pension Rights, Ivor Takor, said the insurance industry was a business industry where business best practices and good governance would help in developing the industry.

He also said that the insurance industry played a social role by providing financial protection to different segments of the economy.

This social role, therefore, made the industry very sensitive, requiring regulatory scrutiny, he added.

Takor said, “The regulator knows the industry better and has reasons for whatever decisions it takes, which I believe are for the growth and development of the industry. The regulator to me should be more interested in what companies are doing.

“To develop the industry, the regulator must enforce full disclosure. Shareholders, policyholders and the regulator must understand what companies are doing. If the regulator does not understand what a company is doing, it will be difficult to protect the interest of stakeholders and the integrity of the industry. Therefore, what is not understood should not be allowed.”

He said the regulator needed to make sure that investors got the right type of information (true and fair) without which the industry would become less attractive to investors.

He said, “Some policyholders are still not sure that insurance companies will pay claims when the need to do so arises. They still have a mindset on what some refer to as hidden clauses in insurance, which are brought to the attention of policyholders only when it is time to pay claims. Policyholders and, maybe shareholders, need to have sensible risk returns profiles, otherwise, the industry will not be viable in the long run.”

The Managing Director, Blue Pearl Konsult Limited, Chris Obi, said that insurance companies should prevent the negative experience of customers by giving excellent service and addressing their international structures.

He also urged the operators to take feedback from clients, especially the negatives, and resolve issues elaborately to the confirmed satisfaction of customers.

Obi said, “As a consumer of insurance service, I will posit that most companies need to upgrade to high performance. As a philosophy, it enables you to achieve exceptional service delivery habitually.

“Companies have to resolve forthwith to go back and intensively search how to revolutionise respective service culture and delivery, in all areas of the context of the insurance business in Nigeria.”

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