Who Lies More, Men Or Women?

Who Lies More, Men Or Women?

What Guys Said:


I picked women for the sheer fact of all the "white" lies they tell men and other women that they don't consider lying even though technically it is. Of course guys lie a lot also so I'm not excusing them.


It is just in covert ways, Man are pretty straightforward, well at least I am, there is no hidden secrets there is no hidden meaning, my mind thinks logically, I find that women are somewhat either afraid of what other people will say or what other people think so they mask a lot of things, I feel they just want to be liked,


Women by far. Not so much that they're blatant liars, just that the truth and reality thought process is fuzzy compared to men. It is ALWAYS about the FEELZ. 

Generally, not always but mostly, womens brain runs on feelings and emotion. Mens run on fact and logic. It's a basic difference in the genders. 

There are always exceptions - so don't all you little snowflakes get your panties in a wad. 


People who are high in trait agreeableness tend to lie, not maliciously, but for the sake of preserving "the peace" in social situations. Since both the average and median female is more agreeable than the average and median male, a case could be made that the average and median female lies more frequently than the average and median male, in such a fashion.


Sociopaths, whether men or women, lie the most. Sociopaths are those devoid of conscience. I elaborate on social issues on my website: www.thezap.net

What Girls Said:


Every person is capable of lying. It’s more about the individual rather than the gender. It’s possible to say that a certain gender is more likely to lie about certain things though.


That's not entirely true, if you consider bragging or boosting yourself to make you look better well I guess that would be lying, not everyone lies I made a habit and live my life telling the truth no matter what people think about me I just wanted you to know,


I think men lie more about their careers by exaggerating how smart they are or how much dating experience they have whether making it seem more or less 

While woman lie to spare people's feelings - or pretend to feel sympathy for people they don't feel sorry for - for example - they might say "you don't look fat" or "I like your hair cut" or "your kid is so cute!" when they don't mean it.


It depends on the individual, circumstances and situations. We all lie for various things from our whereabouts, likes/dislikes, coming up with excuses... gender doesn't matter, it's ones own morality in if they are an honest person or not.


Many small lies (women) vs. few big lies (men). That's according to some studies, at least.

On average of course. Sadly this is something that always needs to be emphasized when it comes to such findings, especially for the brainiacs here on GaG.

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