Why the Big girls are not Big

Big Girl,  Boy Saga
Morally upright, sensitive, attractive, gorgeous? No! Seductive? Yes!
They go about with the tag "big girls" on their head. They are not difficult to identify, they appear tiny tops with an half torn jean pant with a big boot to match.

  Their faces are all baptized in riot makeup , that you no more can know their true identity. They cannot tolerate moderation. Everything must be in excess... "We are big girls"

  The greed to be among the shakers and movers of things on campus has pushed them to selling their dignity, and pride as a girl.

Maybe they are not academically conscious, what they tends to know is the latest outfit... What definition of big have they got? Shoes, expensive attires, sophisticated perfumes, unclad dresses. Nothing more!

Let's see if their brain possess some good sense: alas their brain are only museum for lewd words, derogatory statements and abusive languages. Their cautions are under their foot, not in the brain .

 The girlie girl in them has been sold out long time  ago.. Their innocency has been in the gabbage and its now a once upon a time. Their Godliness is turned chaff and has been blown out.

 The story doesn't end here, their male counterparts too are never left out in the ball game.
 Since have known them, they never got a balanced leg. They bounce like a ball in the field. Having no sense of direction .
 They makes their voice and looks threatning. They firlt  with big girls of their kind.

  The supposed Big Boy's trousers are never on the waist, it will rather be sagging, to reveal their dirty and stinking underwears. Their pants are crazy, just as they are.

 They bully the innocent ounces that comes their way. Their aim is to get them initiated.

 They come to church for the reasons best known to all... They are lousy and moral void. Their etiquette is far gone. They make irritable noises and add unnecessary embellishment to every bit of word said, for them to be noticed as the Big Boys. #laugh
They ve turned God's temple into a comic ground.

  Most times, they are back benchers and will never contribute meaniful things.
  They are bunch of emptiness. They are razz, and thinks the whole world ends there.

They want to be an hip hop singer but they are blinded to the fact that there is more to singing than the their lousiness.

But who really are the Big girls and boys?
They are the ones holding high rank in the country. Lawyers, politicians, doctors, engineers, public speakers, journalist and host of others.

 They are big because they posses the quality of being big. They don't need to shout it before they are known.

 Everyone likes to be known with them because they own golden values in their hand s.

 Three things to succeeding in life: observe, read, and grow... These are the priority of the real big boys and girls. And this is what have made them Big.

 Don't be deceived, once you are still being feed by your parent , run away from those calling you big girl, big boy, slay mama, slay queen and all other nauseating phrase.

 It is high time the supposed big boys and girls realize that they are very little, until they make a footprint in the sand of the world.

Tell them to be owners of known companies, let them be great men and women that will shake and impact the world meanifully.

  Let the big girls not be a threat to woman and motherhood.
  Let the mothers be proud of their daughters, and the fathers of their sons.

 To succeed, develop your morals, find out the method to which you want to achieve your set goals. Get the means of achieving them. Which must be in alignment with God's will. Then learn how to manage.

 Awake those giant in you, and let them out. You don't see with your eyes, but you see with your mind.

 As ihuoma Charles wrote in his classic poem, unhallowed scrolls " let the aggressive nipples learn from the fate of the fallen breast".

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