If anybody hits my car now, I can’t fight anymore —Afeez Oyetoro (Saka)

If anybody hits my car now, I can’t fight anymore —Afeez Oyetoro (Saka)

Actor and lecturer, Afeez Oyetoro, aka Saka, speaks to JOY MARCUS about his endorsements as well as life as an actor and lecturer

When did you join the make-believe world and why do you only act comedy movies?

I joined the industry 30 years ago. It is not that I cannot play any other role; I am a theatre practitioner and I have a Master in Theatre. I believe I have the grace to play any role but because of the situation of the country, there are no facilities, time and resources for an average Nigerian producer to work on the artist. Most producers and directors just want finished products. What an American producer will produce for six or eight months, an average Nigerian producer would want to do within six days. So, he will look around for people who can play various roles and start shooting. Most of the things I have done so far are in comedy, and that is why producers often call me to play comedy roles, rather than other roles. When I was in school as an undergraduate, I played so many roles. I used to have solo performances involving a lot of characters and interpretations. And as a teacher of Theatre Arts over a period of 20 years, I have the ability to play other roles but the situation here does not allow me. If you visit my office, you will see a lot of scripts that I diplomatically rejected because I don’t want people to stereotype me. However, there is nothing wrong in being a specialist in a particular area of a profession. For instance, in the medical line, there are doctors who specialise in different aspects of medicine. If I specialise in comedy, that is not bad but it doesn’t mean I cannot play other roles.

Looking back at when you started your acting career, has it been fulfilling?

Yes, it has been fulfilling and wonderful to the glory of God. It has been from one glory to another. I just thank God for the grace because He has been wonderful to me. It couldn’t have been better than this. If I come back to this world again, I would come back as a theatre practitioner. Now, I can pay my bills. I may not be so rich but I am very comfortable and I can provide for my needs.  When I look back, and I see what God has done through me, I believe that I should be thankful to God because He has used me to add value to people’s lives.

What were some of the challenges you faced in the early days of your career?

Firstly, it was the challenge of acceptance. As a theatre practitioner, some people see you as one who is unserious. They call us jokers and when others are going to work, they tell us that we are going to play. They refer to our work as play. But at a point, there was a shift. However, the most challenging thing now is that there is no longer freedom for me. I can no longer eat at any local restaurant like I would have loved to. And if anybody hits my car now, I won’t be able to fight. Most of the places I am supposed to go freely, I can no longer go there because of some hooligans that like to cause trouble if you don’t give them money.  I am also a reserved person who can’t cope with so much people at the same time.  That is why I hide myself and some people see it as being snobbish. But the fact is I am a very shy person contrary to the characters I portray in movies.

In terms of material rewards, how have all the endorsements impacted your lifestyle?

It has impacted my life fantastically well. I want to thank all my clients so far. They have all added great value to my life and changed my status. They made me feel useful and fulfilled. I feel so blessed because there are so many people who are better than I am but it is the grace of God that has given me the opportunity to be chosen. Also, for the values they added to my life and the lives of everyone associated with me.

Can you recount how many movies you have featured in so far?

I cannot because I have been doing this for a long time. It is just the Nigerian situation that you have to continue doing what you are doing until the hard work begins to pay off. I have done a number of television shows, radio jingles and commercials that I cannot recount.

Do you have any unpleasant memories in your career?

Yes! Back then, when I was still hustling, after my service year, I was with an organisation in Ibadan. Before we performed, it was declared that everyone should go and serve themselves food. So, I joined the queue for the buffet but was asked to leave by a particular bank affairs manager because I was a performer. This made me feel sad and humiliated.

Do you have personal productions?

No! I am a Theatre Arts teacher; so, it has been very hectic for me to leave the academic environment. It is only during the holidays and weekends that I have. But I have co-produced with different people. However, this year, I am producing a television series that will start running in the second quarter of the year.

You once canvassed for the adoption of mother tongues as a teaching medium in primary and secondary schools. What made you do this?

The best person you can be is you. There was a particular experiment performed some years ago that was led by the then Minister of Education, Professor Babatunde Fafunwa. The experiment was done by using indigenous tongues to teach some sets of students while the other sets were taught with foreign languages. At the end of the experiment, they discovered that those who were taught with their mother tongue performed very well later in their secondary and university days. It has been proven that if you learn, speak and understand your mother tongue very well, any other language will be easy for you. Our language also involves the totality of our culture and values. If we jettison those languages, it means that we are doing the same to our values. If our cultural values are lost, a lot of things will go wrong and there will be cultural identity conflicts. In those days, our values were highly respected but nowadays, it is gone. Through the language, our proverbs, dances and songs emphasised our values. If we are not careful, our values will be eroded and we won’t be able to find ourselves as a society in the future. We shouldn’t forget our source because the river that forgets its source dries up.

As a lecturer and actor, how do you balance your careers?

I am a Theatre Arts teacher; my job as an actor is related to my work as a lecturer. I balance it very well. I have taught so many students and some of them are bigger than me in the industry. I have also made people happy one way or the other. Although it is not easy, it has been very interesting.

Have you ever experienced rudeness from a student before?

No. My students are just like my friends because that is the work of theatre. We play and joke always. However, my students know when to get serious.

How was your growing up experience?

It is a mixed feeling but not really enjoyable. I was brought up by a very strict uncle but I don’t regret it. I am not blaming him because it was his own way of bringing us up and I know that deep down in his heart, he wanted to bring up a child that will be disciplined and responsible in society.

Tell us about your wife and children?

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