HELP! I'm In A Forbidden Relationship

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Have you ever been in love with someone and you feel your world is about to crumble when you don’t see him in a day? But it’s a 

forbidden relationship?  I know that feeling, I harbour that feeling, because I am in love with my high school teacher.

Literature is my least loved subject because I can’t get myself to read those boring books and relate to them; all this changed with our new 

literature teacher.

It all started when he had his first lecture in our class, He was cool, smart, dashing, and you sum it up with a beautiful eye, what else are 

you looking for?

Almost every girl had a crush on him from his baritone voice to his smiles, he got us all under his sexy charm.

In his very first lecture, I was told to read a paragraph from “Hamlet” and act it out, it was meant to be an easy task for me, but it was the 

hardest thing of my life because the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen just called my name.

You can guess what happened next; I couldn’t read it or act it out I just stared like I was blind. At the end of the lecture, I gave him a “never 

call me again look” and he smiled at me (that was the mistake that started all this).

The week went by so quick and felt normal until I saw a friend request on Facebook from him, I ignored it and felt it was just a mutual 

request, but little did I know it was more than that.

I was lacking in my grades for literature, and I had to stay back for extra classes after school, don’t get me wrong, the beautiful creature 

didn’t prompt me to attend I had to do it if I ever wanted to graduate. At the end of our first extra class, he told me to wait behind, I thought 

it was about my grade and I was nervous, not until I heard what came out of his mouth;

“why didn’t you accept my friend request”.

At that point I felt I was dreaming and he wasn’t the one talking but I had to play it cool and I told him I would accept it and then again, he 

went on to compliment my hair.This was very strange because I never ever treat my hair, my knees became weak, my smile became wide, 

by eyes became clearer, it felt like I was floating.

Could this be love?

I later accepted his friend request not after I checked his whole feed and posts, and then we started chatting.

Me: Hey

Gorgeous eye: finally

Me: sorry it took so long

Gorgeous eye: There is nothing bad waiting for a pretty girl.

Gorgeous eye: you look pretty with your hair up.

The conversation went on for a week he would ignore me in school and text me when I am home.  I came out of my shell, it felt like he was 

bringing me out of a place I never knew I was.We chatted for a while until one day I became bold and asked him a question I never knew 

he would answer.

Me: Do you like me?

Gorgeous eye: yes.

When I saw his reply my heart beat stopped I was gone, I didn’t know what to do, who to tell. I was in love with him and I was trapped in 

my own feelings.

The next day I went to meet him for more clarity and he told me to wait for him outside. I called home and said I will be late as my extra 

classes has been moved forward. I did as he said and waited for him outside the gate.

photo source: google

He came out after a while, he took me in his car and we went to some lounge. We spoke and I learnt he was twelve (12) years older than I 

was.  Everything felt good and he leaned in and kissed me. It was not the regular kiss I’ve had, it was the best. I was on cloud nine when 

we involved tongue I had never felt this way in the entire seventeen years of my life I was not only in love, I was buried in love.

The next day, he started ignoring me, no texts, or eye contact, I became lost, I was restless and felt I was drowning. For two weeks, 

I didn’t see him as he was absent from class it felt like we were strangers I didn’t regret the kiss that almost led to me tearing off his 

clothes in public, I was elated.

Fast forward to two days ago, I was chosen among students in our literature class to attend an inauguration ceremony of one of our 

teachers. We got to the venue and sat all through the boring speech. At the end, we were about leaving when I saw my gorgeous eye from 

a distance giving that smile I have missed I walked fast to meet up with him then I saw something that changed me.

My gorgeous eye was kissing another woman! I saw it like I was on a movie set, everything changing as two little girls ran to him calling 

him “Daddy”. I couldn’t control the tears as he finally looked up and met my eye. He smiled and turned his back to me.

Now I am hopeless, I have not left my room in two days, eating is a struggle for me as the love of my life has a family. I want him back.  I 

am in a cross road of forgiving him or hating him.

 How will I get my gorgeous eye back

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