How to answer reason for job change?

How to answer reason for job change?

What is your reason for job change? A majority of job interviews abound in trick questions like this. Many job seekers think that this is the stumbling block on the road to getting a job, especially if the interview is only the first or second for them. If you prepare in advance, taking into account our pieces of advice, your conversation would be fruitful in any way.

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The reason for such frequent use of this question is apparent: the employers value their reputation and do not want to hire an unreliable and inexperienced person. The aim of the HR-manager or any other person who asks you the reason for change in career is not to make you fail the interview. It is the simplest way to know more of you as a worker.

Why are you looking for a change in career? How to answer perfectly

Before you start sorting through all existing and appropriate variants to answer this question, pay attention to the preparation stage. The question about the reason for change of job is genuinely the most unpleasant for an applicant. So first try to fortify yourself, because steadfastness will encourage you; it means that in the eyes of recruiters you will look self-confident and therefore the professional.


But to increase your chances of taking up the desired post, review this list of essential aspects before composing your expected answer:

The crucial thing you must remember is your conduct in the interview. Be confident and polite to show your personality from the best side. It helps to obtain the favour of the employers. Forget about bitter experiences at your previous job. Employers appreciate the ability to deal with stressful situations easily. The same is in your answer; find decisive moments and highlight them while telling about the reason to change job.


Do not be a time-consuming person. Although this question demands the inclusion of all details, try to be concise and then change the track of the conversation to the description of your achievements as a reason to employ you. Avoiding the conversation is also forbidden; the interviewers will consider you a private person, and this will spoil your reputation. Lying is unacceptable in this situation. The leaders of the company in which you want to get a job has its service which can easily contact your former place of work and know all YOUR details.


Sometime,s to determine the reason for change the job which will suit the HR-managers is an arduous task even bearing in mind the points described above. It is not a big deal, because each of us wants to do the best to get the job we want and certain mistakes will lead to irreparable consequences. Consider the following questions that may also be asked in an interview:

What do you want from life and what do you want to achieve in work now and 10-15 years later?Describe the job of your dreams: place, atmosphere, people and other details. Consider the pluses and minuses of your current/previous position as a whole.What is your relationship with superiors?Are you fond of the scope of work of the company you worked?


And then analyse all given answers; whether your current or the previous place of work agree with them or not.

Why do you want to change your job? Best answers

There are maybe a few people in the world who have worked in the same position their whole life. It is natural for people to strive for more and to leave places which make them feel uncomfortable.


The motives may be whatever; your task is to paraphrase and explain it to your employers in a way that they will not lose the opportunity to invite such a valuable asset to the work team. We have collected the best reasons that will satisfy the strictest recruiters:

You seek new opportunities for professional development. Instead of mentioning that your heads denied the possibility of the career growth for you, say that you achieved everything you wanted and now feel you can do and receive more. The emotional burnout. It is a quite common reason for modern society. But be more careful with this expression. If you tend to change jobs several times in a year; it will show that you are a windy and untrustworthy person. You had better say that you changed your path of work, are ready to train, or are doing this to develop your skills.


The dismissal. It is a stark reality for many workers which causes nervousness at the moment of explaining the reason for change of job. To smooth the unpleasant moment, you may choose to not go into details. Minimise the mentioning of your professional skills until the HR-manager asks you a follow-up question.You moved to another city or district. It can emphasise your punctuality because, for instance, the long commute to work will lead to constant delays which are unlike you.


You feel the aspiration to work in this particular company. It is great if this reason is valid because you can turn the case to your favour because such a motive pleases the heads in any organisation. But before the interview, you had better collect the information related to the history and the sphere of work of this company.

These variants are the most common, but in reality, it is only a small part of all the possible ways of answering the question. While composing the approximate response, ask your friends or other people for advice.


Examples of inappropriate reasons for job change

Inadequate salary level. Managers can call into question the level of your professional skills and ability to communicate because if you were such A good specialist, why did your employer refuse to raise your wage? Concentrate on the motivational side of the question. You should make an emphasis on the fact that money is not only the reward but the incentive to work better.


Bad relationships with former superiors. Do not even try to blame your directors in all failures - it is forbidden because your chances to receive the job will rapidly decrease. No company wants to hire a worker who most likely will talk about the directors and colleagues behind their back. You realised the absence of interest in work. If you felt bored in a previous job and now want to get a job in an equivalent position explaining the reason for change as boredom, do not hope to pass the interview successfully. The company is not interested in hiring people with low skills.


Remember that a well-chosen answer on the question about the reason for change of job is only one small element of success. A good impression is created not only by the ability to respond in such matters but also by your behaviour, appearance and CV. You must not be afraid of mistakes. Honesty, goodwill and ambitions are the best means for getting a job.

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