How to write a letter of invitation (samples included)

How to write a letter of invitation (samples included)

Ever wondered what an invitation letter is and its main purpose? Knowledge of how to write this letter is greatly beneficial to every individual as at some point, we may be tasked with coming up with this crucial document. We need to figure out how to properly design such a message so that it will successfully convey the message it is supposed to.


Unfortunately, many people confuse a business invitation letter and a proposal. The fact is that the first one is an invitation for clients to various events, from an ordinary meeting to a banquet. A business proposal is a commercial offer.

What is a letter of invitation?

An invitation letter is an official letter that is sent to the addressee on the occasion of an event, conference, meeting, or for an interview. Many official structures use the oral form of transmitting text information, and this message appears as an additional means to show attention to the addressee.

This document has many advantages so that we will consider all of them in order.

Thanks to this letter, you can show respect to the addressee.The presence of such a message indicates that the recipient is really invited to the event and should arrive on time.It helps the recipient not to forget about the upcoming meeting. For example, if he was invited to participate as a speaker at a formal event.


Any official event involves active and passive participants who should be invited in advance by sending them such a letter. If the addressee has such a message, he will be able to prepare and plan his time efficiently. We offer you 7 simple steps that will simplify the writing procedure. The invitation letter format should include the following:

1. Such a document must be created on company letterhead with contact details. The personal data of the addressee is indicated on the upper corner of the letter; the name of the company is also mentioned if it is necessary.

2. The appeal to the addressee is written at the center, then the essence of the letter is stated respectfully. It is imperative to mention the event you invite the addressee to. Will it be formal or informal?

3. Be sure to specify the name of the event and attach the program.

4. Next, indicate the date and the exact time.

5. The location of the event is indicated in details. In addition to the address, you must specify the exact number of the house, office, floor, and even the location map, if it is necessary

6. You can complete the invitation letter by thanking the addressee for taking the time to study the attached materials.

7. The author signs the letter and puts a stamp at the end of the message.


These websites will help you with an invitation letter sample directly:

Having such an invitation, the addressee can respond to it, confirm his participation in the event or refuse, presenting reasonable arguments.

How to write an invitation letter for a visa?

A visa invitation letter is an official document that gives a person the permission to enter a foreign country and temporarily be in its territory. It is issued for private visits to relatives, business trips to sign treaties with partners, participate in conferences, discuss problems of joint business or education.

The inviting party handles the invitation. In some states, it is enough for the inviter to write a letter by hand and send it to his guest. In other countries, such a procedure is not complete without a visit to the authorities, and the invitation for the visa is accepted only in its original form.


Depending on the type of requested visa, invitations are of various kinds namely:

Invitation from a private person

The document contains the personal data of the inviting party, including the name and surname, passport data, address of residence. Besides, it is necessary to specify the date of entry into the country and the purpose of the trip. The letter must confirm the connection with the guest. It may be documents showing the degree of kinship, joint photographs, certificates from a commonplace of study or rest.

In some cases, when the inviting party is also the sponsor of the trip, additional solvency documents are required such as a certificate of employment or a bank statement.


Invitation for a business trip

Such a letter is prepared by a company officially registered in the country. The document contains the full details of the company, ranging from its name, actual legal addresses and bank data. This document should also confirm the type of business relationship with the guest. The address of the applicant’s residence, the general purpose of his visit, the travel route are also indicated. Additionally, information is written about the employee responsible for the applicant.


Invitation from an educational institution

It is issued by the school or university where the applicant plans to get an education. It can be courses, short-term internships, advanced training, or practice in high school. The invitation is issued in official form. The document contains the terms of training, the name of the course, and confirmation of enrollment. Also, the amount of payment, the address where the applicant will live, and the contact details of the person who signed the invitation will be specified.

The next websites will be your helper in writing this official document:


These documents are official, so you need to write them carefully. Do not forget that in different countries, the requirements for receiving an invitation may vary significantly.

The correct approach in the preparation of a letter of invitation is exclusively individual. So, it is necessary to take into account the circumstances of a particular situation. We hope this article has helped you in writing this kind of document.

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