LOL! BBC Mocks Okorocha As He Erects Yet Another Statue

LOL! BBC Mocks Okorocha As He Erects Yet Another Statue

The statue fame vanity of Governor Rochas Okorocha has come out to play again.

Recall that he had previously unveiled 12 statues in the past including those of the first Nigerian President, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe; former Prime Minister Tafawa Balewa; late sage, Obafemi Awolowo; Ghanaian President, Nana Akufo-Addo and also two other African presidents, Jacob Zuma of South Africa and Ellen Sirleaf Johnson of Liberia,

When asked why he persists in this needless action that drains taxpayer's money, he said,“I erect statue to immortalise people so that children yet unborn can know about them. History is dying in Africa, we must keep it alive.”

“In the next 100 years, most of us would not be alive but this will stand for children to see. If leaders are not immortalised, there will be no history for children.”

BBC News Igbo put up a picture of another statue that has a close resemblance to President Buhari, undergoing preparations to be unveiled and the caption reads,"Ọ dịka ihe akpụrụakpụ agwụbeghi Rochas ike. Onye bụkwa onye a a na-akpụrụ ndị Imo?''

It roughly translates to,'It's like Okorocha is not tired of erecting statues. Who is being erected for Imo people this time'.

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