5 Most Satisfying Deaths In The Game Of Thrones

5 Most Satisfying Deaths In The Game Of Thrones

The best

Game of Thrones has one of the finest plots in any TV show because audiences instantly become immersed in a vast and epic world without ever losing sight of the memorable characters that populate it.

With multiple feuding Houses, betrayal, quests for revenge and shifting alliances all occurring on a regular basis, there's rarely a moment to breathe because in Westeros, swords, and words can be equally as deadly.

Excitement, mystery and uncertainty shroud every minute, but there's far more to it than a razor-sharp plot. Incredible action, amazing one-liners, and exciting twists develop at such a quick rate that you'll be begging to watch the next episode.

What is even more interesting is the deaths. Yea. It has a penchant for killing off its finest characters and of course some totally deserved it.

Here are 5 Most Satisfying Deaths In The Game of Thrones So Far...

5. Viserys Targaryen 

Daenerys’s brother was truly a piece of work, and his single-minded obsession with taking back the Iron Throne as soon as possible made him a perfect representation of white male entitlement.

He died in the hands of Khal Drogo. He had threatened to hurt Daenerys and her unborn child.

Karl gifts to Viserys of a golden crown at the end of the sixth episode of Game of Thrones was an absolute game-changer.

4. Welder Frey

Walder Frey was the Lord of the Crossing at the Twins, and for a brief period, the Lord of Riverrun. 

He had over 100 descendants and so many daughters that he didn't even know some of their names. 

He never had a good reputation in Westeros and was often called the "Late Walder Frey" after delaying his assistance in Robert's Rebellion until it was already won.

He's responsible for the Red Wedding, plus he's really gross.

Arya Stark slits his throat after feeding him a pie made out of his own sons.

3 Lord Petyr Baelish

Little Finger played everyone. Former master of coin and the creepiest creep Westeros has ever seen.

Littlefinger deserves his death because he is basically the entire reason half of the Stark family is dead. 

He knowingly sets into motion the events that start the war and betrays Ned, Catelyn, and Sansa. 

Arya slits his throat with his own dagger.

2. Bolton Ramsey

Ramsay Bolton was Roose Bolton's bastard son who had a penchant for extreme violence against innocent human beings.

He was briefly married to Sansa Stark, and tortured Theon Greyjoy for several seasons.

He also killed his dad, his stepmom, and his baby brother. And Rickon Stark. And Osha.

And a lot of other people

He died in the "Battle of the Bastards" in the hands of Sansa

Ramsay's death is  the most satisfying one on this whole show. His violence was gratuitous and he had zero redeeming qualities. Nobody loved him, not even his dad

1. King Joffrey Baratheon

Starting with the execution of Ned Stark, Joffrey proved that he was completely out of control and wouldn't listen to anybody even his mother.

He was a violently terrible king, and also a terrible person.

Joffrey was poisoned by Petyr Baelish and Olenna Tyrell at his own wedding to Margery Tyrell although they thought he was murdered by his uncle Tyrion Lannister.

The only sad thing about Joffrey's death is that we don't get to hate him anymore. Joffrey was responsible for the untimely deaths of a lot of people who didn't deserve it.

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