MUST READ: Artificial Intelligence, Debunking the Social Myth

MUST READ: Artificial Intelligence, Debunking the Social Myth

If you are like me, my best bet is that the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear Artificial Intelligence is i,ROBOT.

Will Smith’s 2004 fiction has probably left thoughts in our minds which, really, may not be wrong but may just be a tini-winni bit of an exaggeration.

Artificial intelligence (AI) to be honest does not exactly mean robot walking across the street or being our bosses or things which are i,robot-like.

Yep, they MAY include that but not ALWAYS that.

AI is more about machine learning. That is, the ability of a programmed computer, whether smartphone or PC to be able to make independent decisions based on previous data collected.

There is that fear that someday we all will be out of our jobs only to be made subjects to a bunch of “whun do yun wunh” speaking metals.

But the truth is AI is come take over tasks not jobs. And even IF (probability), they will take over jobs, I can assure you we are still a long way from that. So there’s nothing to be scared of.

The interesting thing is if only we would open our eyes, we would see AI being currently at work all around us these days in more ways than one.

Here are a few examples of Artificial Intelligence in our society today.

1.     Mobile phone Assistants

If you use an Iphone or an Android phone or a Windows phone, there is a likelihood one of Siri, Google-assistant or Cortana has saved you from harm at one point or the other.

True yeah? Now that is an example of Artificial intelligence at work.

Each of this assistants take data found on your phone or on the internet and then they serve you with the information when needed. As helpful as that.

So next time you are asking Siri for directions from Oworonsoki to Agege, remember that you are making use of AI.

2.     AI in Agriculture

Artificial Intelligence research and development have made a huge breakthrough in its application in the field of agriculture.

These days, sensors attached to farm crops and connected to PCs can supply data as to when certain crops like tomatoes will ripen.

The sensors receive data from the crop, as well as from the environment and the whole farming process. Each time the farmer tends her crops, she will input the data into her computer app

After which these data are plotted and tracked over time and sent to the farmer’s computer.

Some of these are linked to apps as well, meaning the farmer is able to track her crop growth through her mobile phone conveniently.

Some of these “bots” serve as water sprinklers too, meaning they release water at certain times of the day to the plants.

These farming assistants enhance farm productivity if adopted rightly.

3.     AI in Healthcare

Source: Nuance

In a similar fashion to agriculture, AI makes use of patient information to determine treatment patterns.

In more advanced countries, AI is currently being used by health practitioners to diagnose patients and to develop a treatment pattern for them.

There are also mobile apps that help patients with diabetes track their sugar levels and show them progress.

Also, other apps help patients match up meals they should take, their sugar intake and how to curb it (for diabetics).

AI also helps hospitals and doctors sort out and track patient treatment history, meaning they get to bypass the rigor of numerous files.

These are just a few ways Artificial Intelligence is currently being applied in our current day society. There are many more really, transportation, HR, business analyses and so on.

The point of this article is to make you see that AI/machine learning means more good than harm.

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